Special events
Personlig udvikling via trancekanalisering v. Ingeborg Hjortsballe
Skab sunde og stærke børn v. Inge Halmø
Trancekanalisering v. Ingeborg
Workshop med personlig udvikling v. Inge Halmø
Trommer-Rasler-Røgelse v. Palle Nielsen
Studie i Martinus åndsvidenskab
Find din indre Gudindekraft v. Helle og Ingeborg
Inner Goddess Activation Workshop
Sound Healing & Breathwork
Deep Relaxation Breathwork by June and Julia
Spirituelle rejser v. Ingeborg Hjortsballe

Sound Healing & Breathwork for deep relaxation and connection
With June and Julia 

Do you have trouble getting a full night´s sleep? Do feel tense, strange aches, and pains around your body that you´ve never really noticed before? Perhaps these issues have been there a long time, but nothing they dont seem to go away no matter how hard you´ve tried. 


If´it feels like its time to slow down and come back home to yourself and listen to your heart, we´ve got your back. 


Let June and Julia from EverydaybLYSs guide you on an uplifting soundbath and breathwork journey with the use of singing bowls and breathing techniques that will help you rediscover your inner tranquility and come back home to yourself. 


The instruments, in combination with the breathing techniques, can help relieve tension, reduce cortisol levels, and bring you back into your parasympathetic nervous system (also known as your rest and digest). This is your body´s ability to find safety and let go of stress. Allow June and Julia to prepare you for a good sleep and bring you back to the best version of yourself. 


Session dates: 

12 Aug (Mon), 21 Aug (Wed), Aug 26 (Mon)


Pay-what-you-can: 180kr, 150kr, 120kr (select one option you can afford)

Each session only has 7 spaces available. 

To register, email everydayblyss@gmail.com


About EverydaybLYSs: Born and based in Vejle, Denmark, EverdaybLYS is a wellness practice founded by 2 friends who are trained wellness professionals - June & Julia who are from Singapore and USA. With combined experience of over 20 years as practitioners of energy healing, breathwork, and transformational coaching, including certifications in such as Soul Intelligence, Reiki and NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming), we help people destress, come back into their centre, and get reconnected to their essence so that they can live life with more ease and flow every day, feeling and seeing the Lys (Danish for "light"). 

D. 17. Sep kl. 18.30-21
Personlig udvikling via trancekanalisering v. Ingeborg Hjortsballe
D. 19. Sep kl. 15-18
Drop in torsdag
D. 25. Sep kl. 18-19 for men
Deep Relaxation Breathwork by June and Julia
D. 26. Sep kl. 15-18
Drop in torsdag
D. 26. Sep k. 18.30-20
Gå glad hjem -med dine chakraer i balance v. Palle Nielsen
D. 30. Sep kl. 17-18 for couples
Deep Relaxation Breathwork by June and Julia
D. 30. Sep kl. 18.30-21
Studie i Martinus åndsvidenskab
D. 1. Okt kl. 18.30-21
Få kontakt med din engel v. Ingeborg Hjortsballe
D. 3. Okt kl. 15-18
Drop in torsdag
D. 5. Okt -12. okt.
Find din styrke- Spirituel rejse v. Ingeborg Hjortsballe
D. 7. Okt kl. 19-21
En aften i åndernes tegn v. Bo Nielsen
D. 19. Okt kl. 10-15
Beøg os lørdag d. 19. okt.
D. 23. Okt kl. 18.30-21
Clairvoyance træningsaften v. Ingeborg Hjortsballe
D. 24. Okt k. 18.30-20
Oplev trommens magi v. Palle Nielsen
D. 26. Okt og 27. okt.
Overbygningen i Clairvoyance & Medieskab
D. 28. Okt kl. 18.30-21
Studie i Martinus åndsvidenskab
D. 2. Nov og 3. nov.
Clairvoyance & IntuitionsKursus v. Rikke Mors
D. 6. Nov kl. 18.30-21
Få kontakt med din engel v. Ingeborg Hjortsballe
D. 9. Nov og 10.nov.
Spirituel Healing 2 v. Rikke Mors
D. 15. Nov og 16. nov
2 Dages Grundkursus I Terapeutisk Tapping (TFT/EFT)
D. 17. Nov og 18. nov.
Din bevidste krop 2 dages grundkursus i METAsundhed v. Lars Mygind
D. 23. Nov og 24. nov.
Common Sense Clairvoyant uddannelsen
D. 25. Nov kl. 18.30-21
Studie i Martinus åndsvidenskab
D. 27. Nov kl. 18.30-21
Få kontakt med din engel v. Ingeborg Hjortsballe
D. 28. Nov k. 18.30-20
Gå glad hjem -med dine chakraer i balance v. Palle Nielsen
D. 4. Jan kl. 10-16.30
Få dine ønsker opfyldt i 2025 v. Ingeborg Hjortsballe
D. 18. Jan og 19. jan. start på uddannelsen
Uddannelse til EngleTerapeutHealer v Ingeborg Hjortsballe
D. 25. Jan og 26 Jan.
Kursus i Spirituel Healing 1 v. Rikke Mors
Den 6 Sans: Skyttehusgade 34, 7100 Vejle - Tlf.: 51 600 606 - Email: ingeborg@den6sans-vejle.dk